
Perplexing Shoes

I stole this picture from the fug girls at a favorite blog of mine:

I dont get it.

I don't get it.

They think these shoes are strange too. Trying to figure them out is making my head hurt. Where’s the heel? How does she walk in them? For all that is chocolate, she’s on stairs! (In case your curious “she” is Victoria Beckham aka Posh.) They are perplexing. I need to find some less confusing shoes to look at.

Happy shopping!



So. I added a new link to Shopaholic Central today. Heels.com. I am in love with this site. If I could marry it, I totally would. They have tons of pretty shoes like this:




 And this, although I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I like anything with Paris Hilton’s name on it:

Pretty pretty!

Pretty pretty!

 And this which is by Jessica Simpson. I can’t decide if I like it or not:

I would break my ankle if I tried to wear shoes like that

I would break my ankle if I tried to wear shoes like that

You can search by heel height, designer, shoe type, size, or color! I love it. Now, I have some shopping to do.

Happy Shopping!

 Shoe Girl

Shoe design extrodinare.

The wonderful Manolo Blahnik: Shoe design extraordinaire.

That, in case you missed the caption, is the wonderful shoe designer known as Manolo Blahnik. In case you neglected to look at the picture, he is autographing a gorgeous shoes. It almost makes me want an autographed shoe, except then I couldn’t wear it and that would be sad. Manolo Blahnick designs lots of fabulous shoes. Like these:

Pretty Pretty shoes

Pretty Pretty shoes

Lovely shoes!

Lovely shoes!


More pretty shoes!

More pretty shoes!

 Shoes like that selling for thousands of dollars are what make Manolo Blahnik’s name synonymous with the phrase ‘really expensive shoes’. Designmusem.org says this about the designer:

Working alone without assistants or apprentices, MANOLO BLAHNIK (1942-) is solely responsible for the design of every one of the thousands of shoes that bear his name. He has dominated shoe design since setting up in business in London in the early 1970s.”

His shoes are a favorite of the characters in Sex and the City. I just wish I could afford a pair.

Happy shopping!

Shoe Girl

Wonderful, wonderful shoes

I give you flip flops. In other countries they are called other things, but here they are called flip flops and I adore them. Of my nearly 50 pairs of shoes, at least one third are flip flops. They’re so comfortable! You can wear them to the beach or to go shopping or really anywhere you like! I have gold ones and pink ones with beads and yellow ones and blue ones and teal ones and green ones and black ones and brown ones. I wear them all the time. Have to run down the street to borrow a cup of sugar? (I hear that happens, although I’ve never done it cause I’m a horrible cook and no ones ever borrowed sugar from me. I have had someone come to get two eggs and I have had to ask for a single ice cube. Also, why do they call it ‘borrowing’ sugar. It’s not like you’re going to return it. “Hello. Thanks for the cup of sugar. You may have it back now. Really appreciate your letting me use it.” Would you even want it back? But now I’m getting rather far away from the subject. So far away that I’ve forgotten it. *looks at the title and ends the parenthetical tangent*) Now where was I … ah yes. If running down the street to borrow sugar, you can just slip on a pair of flip flops on your way out the door. The point is…well. I’m not sure anymore. There was one though. I think. If you figure it out, please let me know.

Happy shopping!

Shoe Girl

Shoes for Standing

Lots of people (like me, for example) have jobs where they must stand. A lot. Well, most shoes, no matter how gorgeous they may be, just aren’t made for standing. So, I decided it was time to find standing shoes. First, I tried to find some good ballet flats. So, I bought some Sam and Libby ones that looks sort of, but not exactly like this:

Sam and Libby ballet flats in gold

Sam and Libby ballet flats in gold

Well, while these shoes are wonderful and I do love them, (I thoroughly enjoy wearing them to the clubs when it’s winter. They prevent the freezing of my toes. Blue toes aren’t at all attractive. But you can sit down at a table when at a club.) my feet begin to feel as if they’re going to fall off when I’m nearing my third hour of standing. And I still have four more hours at that point. Clearly, I needed another pair of new shoes. That is when I found these:

A wonderfully comfortable shoe!

A wonderfully comfortable shoe!

 Now my feet don’t begin to feel like they’re going to fall off until the end of the seventh hour. It’s much easier to smile and to sound like you mean it when saying “Have a nice day” to perfect strangers when you’re feet are firmly attached to your ankles and you’re sure that won’t be changing any time soon.

So, if you need comfortable shoes for hours of standing, buy some Sperry Top-Siders! You won’t regret it!

Happy Shopping!

Shoe Girl


Welcome to Truth in Shoes. Prepare for posts about pumps and stilettos; sandals and flip-flops; sneakers and ballet flats! And don’t forget the designers! Manolo Blahniks! Jimmy Choos! This shoe addict will show you all the gorgeous shoes she can find and bring you other exciting shoe related stuffs!

Happy Shopping!

Shoe Girl